#24 Twitter Fictions

Storytelling is probably one of the most ancient arts known to man. It has evolved over the years and today, the treasure of stories that we have is priceless. These stories have acted as the mirrors to the psychology of the individuals as well as the societies. Stories reflect the sense of amazement, the struggles and aspirations of the times that they are set in.


This is a collection of twenty four tiny stories written for Twitter during the Fiction Festival, 2014 (@TWfictionfest). I do not see them as mere stories captured in 140 characters, but as few ideas that attempt to break free from the word limit and grow in to something that has the potential to touch the readers the same way a short story, novel or a film does. If these stories are able to achieve that, then that would be a victory to the storyteller in me.

Twitter Fiction Festival 2014 was a great experience for me in many ways. I got to read many amazing stories in the form of tweets and also got to interact with many artists and writers through twitter.  Reading their stories and seeing their art have inspired me to write few stories of my own. My twitter followers  and friends have liked these stories immensely and have been supportive with this. I have turned these stories in to an ebook and the book also has received overwhelming response from the readers.

I would like to thank the artists Margarita Gokun (@MGokunArt) from Madrid, Spain and Dugaldo Estrada (@Dugaldo) from New York City, USA for their illustrations and art that have inspired some of the stories here. I express my gratitude to the storytellers and artists on twitter for inspiring me to write fiction.

You can read this ebook here.

You can also download the PDF version of the book here.